Today was a total trail day, all day long! Last time I posted was January 9th. Between then and February 9th I only took two pictures. Trails were vurtually non-existant in this part of New Jersey. I am in the direct flight path of some/many planes coming and going to Newark International Airport. So, if trails are normal, did they take a vacation for a whole month? We had some snow fall so it is not like there were no storm fronts moving through and for damned sure the weather has been cold, cold and then even more cold. Prime conditions for them "ice crystals" (real contrails) but they were no where to be seen until the past few days. I am going to post only pictures from today 2-17-00 on this page and hopefully will put up a link soon to other pics from the past few days AND the next few days.

Feb. 17 2000 12:05:04 PM

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This one (below) has got to be the "highlight" of the day.

Feb. 17 2000 1:13:28 PM

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Just another crapping, plane pooped sky. I think they forgot to flush!

Feb. 17 2000 2:04:46 PM

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Now here is our friend Sol, mighty bright today, even through all the poop.

Feb. 17 2000 2:06:08 PM

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Lots of totally slaughtered skies today.

Feb. 17 2000 2:25:10 PM

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Crazy Hazy! Lower left catches another plane gaining altitude.

Feb. 17 2000 2:31:40 PM

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Just wanted to show you that there are many planes in the air here at all times. Many are very clear and can be seen with no trails and very well under the sky poop, "ceiling of shit" if you will!

Feb. 17 2000 4:45:22 PM

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Now this one was amazing. Myself and my little bro were watching these planes head towards one another. Examining the photo closely, I believe that one plane is considerable higher than the other. My question is, ARE PLANES SUPPOSED TO BE FLYING THIS NEAR EACH OTHER?

Feb. 17 2000 4:48:08 PM

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