All of these pictures are from Friday, December 3rd, 1999. This will make 4 or 5 Fridays in a row that the trails were all over the friggin place.

These first two contain the same "colored" or "glowing" cloud. Zoomed in and then amongst the trails.

Dec. 3 1999 11:28:50 AM

Mvc-019f.jpg (18317 bytes)

Dec. 3 1999 11:29:10 AM

Mvc-020f.jpg (36450 bytes)

This one has a plane flying well below the trails.

Dec. 3 1999 11:29:22 AM

Mvc-021f.jpg (17796 bytes)

The "SlaughterHouse Blues". This is all "Plane Poop"!

Dec. 3 1999 1:13:00 PM

Mvc-026f.jpg (22055 bytes)

Some real clouds beginning to arrive with much "chalkboard" action before it.

Dec. 3 1999 1:51:18 PM

Mvc-033f.jpg (20479 bytes)

The final 3 shots below contain "color clouds".

Dec. 3 1999 2:27:24 PM

Mvc-035f.jpg (17432 bytes)

Dec. 3 1999 2:27:32 PM

Mvc-036f.jpg (16289 bytes)

Dec. 3 1999 2:34:40 PM

Mvc-039f.jpg (29213 bytes)