These four were taken on either 3/26/99 or 3/31/99. They are all of the same X event, each at slightly different angles. The bottom two I went around the corner of the building to see if I couldn't get the plane as it was off in the distance still making the lower left trail.

This is in New Jersey

013_11.jpg (433186 bytes)    014_12.jpg (414107 bytes)

 015_13.jpg (434151 bytes)    012_10.jpg (415915 bytes)

The rest of these pictures were snapped between 3/16/99 and 4/28/99.

007_5a.jpg (428542 bytes)      008_6.jpg (467761 bytes)


009_7a.jpg (436596 bytes)      018_16.jpg (402096 bytes)

019_17.jpg (454764 bytes)      020_18.jpg (412043 bytes)

023_21.jpg (399739 bytes)      024_22.jpg (439680 bytes)

006_4.jpg (407250 bytes)      011_9.jpg (439806 bytes)

010_8.jpg (377720 bytes)      017_15.jpg (407977 bytes)